Sunday, November 11, 2012


October in the US
Em and Baby Ben! Bath Time.

Boggle Games at North Americans. Really, we did race prep...

Delaware Water Gap. iPhone doesn't do the colors justice.

Exploring with Alex, Ross and Karen

Being tourists in the woods.

Fall! With pies, and pumpkins, and apples and cakes and donuts!
This is why I love fall. So excited to stop at the stand.

Look, I'm pie!

October in Uppsala
It's hard to tell, because it's the iphone, but it's a gigantic moon rising by the cathedral.
Clothing Exchange party. Combined with a fantastic brunch and, of course, an urban o course. (Link to Claire's blog about her year in Sweden and with Linné)

Bowling with work - the winning team. Notice I was not on it. It was a horrible bowling evening. I need to brush up on my skills.

Sunset outside the apartment.

And we moved, in September. We didn't go far, just across the street. But instead of living in apartment 23, we now live in 4. The walls have yet to be decorated, but we'll get there!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah to new blog post! Great pictures - hope to see a regular posting again! MOM